Page 4 - AV Diamonds - About
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2000               customer base of 2800                  over 4000 retailers   based service for the

                          We commenced       retailers including major              including chain stores,   jewelry industry ,from
                                             chain retailers, T.V.
                                                                                                        optimizing existing
                          participation in major   jewelry companies as             T.V. networks &     website to creating state
                          shows in the United   well as smaller                     independent retailers.   art new websites and
                          States including JCK   independent retailers.             We offer a collection for   integrating with social
                          Vegas, JIS Miami and                                      every jewelry store in   media. Web4jewelers is
                          JA New York.                                              the U.S.A., Canada &   your one stop shop
                                             2005                                   the neighboring islands.  answer for the jewelry
      1998                                   A.V. Diamonds added   2007                                 industry.
                                             one more star to its
      We started as a                        stellar line up with a                 2017
      manufacturing and a                    strategic partnership, a   A.V. Diamonds is one of         Today
      supplying company to                   factory in Shenzhen,   the premier exporter   A.V. Diamonds started
      major wholesalers in                   China. The factory has   from India.   servicing its vast   Our goal is to be the
      Houston, TX. and                       64 highly skilled staff                customers with its loose   premier supplier of
      Atlanta, GA., A.V.                     and outstanding                        diamonds division ZK   Jewelry and have a
      Diamonds making a new                  manufacturing units and   2013         Diamonds. From      magnificently  diverse
      venture in the United                  specializes in                         GIA,EGL,HRD certified
      States. We consistently                micro-pave round   Becomes a partner of   diamonds to small melee   line.  We strive to
      catered to wholesalers for   2001/02   diamonds jewelry. This   HVK companies/sight-  in all different qualities.   continue to impress
      over 18 months.     A.V. Diamonds started   allowed us to create and   holders of DTC/ALRO-  ZK Diamonds carries   with our result driven
                          exhibiting in all the   introduce the highly   SA DOMINIAN.  over 1000 plus loose   and innovative
      1999                major trade shows   desired, new fashion   Today with a staff of   diamonds at all times.  marketing programs to
      As we developed a                                                 over 250                        promote a complete
      powerful production                                               workers in   2018               shopping experience,
      capacity and skilled   Biography &Timeline                        our factories                   second to none, for
      employees, we decided to                                          and over 30
      expand into                                                       employees in   In A.V. Diamonds   today’s intelligent
      manufacturing and                                                             constant effort to strive   consumers. A.V.
      wholesaling to a larger   across the United States   micro-pave line and the  our Houston office, A.V.   for excellence and   Diamonds is working,
      market share. We catered   and Canada. We became  new bridal line Shiro,   Diamonds continues to   keeping up with todays   poised and ready to
      to retailers with   incomparable, one of the  Charisma & Eternal   be one of the fastest   consumer needs A.V.
      consistent and pinpoint   largest exhibitors   Bliss.     growing wholesaler in   Diamonds added one   strive for Excellence!
      products which swiftly   offering a line of               the United States. We   more star to its star
      increased our market   diversified products                                   studded line up with
      share.              ready to deliver. At this             proudly boast a     web4jewelers. This is a
                          point we also amassed a
    4                                                           customer base of    complete web
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